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Fly-tipping in Bristol

Fly-tipping in Shirehampton Road
Bags of household waste and old baby seats, dumped just over the hump from the carpark
Fly-tipping in Lower Knole Lane
Fridge freezer and chest freezer full of rotten food, the street smells
Fly-tipping in Carlton Park
Ridiculous amount of fly tipping at end of Carlton Park that has been there for weeks. Have seem council rubbish trucks drive past. But they never clean. Partly on Whitehall trading estate part on council footpath
Fly-tipping in Napier Road
Bags of rubbish and large bits of wood and plastic items
Fly-tipping in Chaplin Road
Bags and boxes
Fly-tipping in Unnamed Road
Two Morrison’s shopping trolleys in Hengrove park near the skate park end
Fly-tipping in Whitehouse Lane
Fly-tipping in Penrose
Discarded shopping trolley
Fly-tipping in Chaplin Road
Black bags
Fly-tipping in Bonnington Walk
New waste added to fly tip
Fly-tipping in Stapleton Road
Lots of bin bags of household waste, a headboard and a pram
Fly-tipping in Kingsweston Iron Bridge
Pile of building waste
