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Fly-tipping in Devon

There have been 21 reports of fly-tipping in Devon over the last 3 months.

Fly-tipping in Markham Lane
Washing machine and typists chair. Someone told me of some tyres in a gateway in Polehouse Lane also. I sent the incorrect image previously nothing to do with fly tipping
Fly-tipping in Polehouse Lane
Washing machine and typists chair. Someone also told me of some tyres in a gateway in Pole House Lane.
Fly-tipping in Poltimore Road
Five rubbish bags dumped just as you come into Poltimore from the B2181 on the right hand side as the road bends. Near new housing estate.
Fly-tipping in A3072
A big tyre. Lots of cans and bottles
Fly-tipping in B3217
Loads of emtpycans and cardboard dumped in ditch on verge
Fly-tipping in Halecombe Road
The map is outdated. This is now a walkway and cycle path. The area has been vandalized and fences broken and ripped down
Fly-tipping in Meadowbrook Close
Top of kinnerton way the house that this rubbish is next to the lady through over the fence her rubbish I’ve seen it happen She also lets her dogs mess off the lead and doesn’t pick it up one is a pug the other Rockweiler
Fly-tipping in Blakeslee Drive
Pram, ladders, carpet, cardboard, rubbish. There are also ladders dumped under the archway.
Fly-tipping in Higher Ramshill Lane
Motorbike in stream.
Fly-tipping in Bear Lane
A woman has removed a homeless man's tent and left ot on the side of the rode with a description "fly tipped" she has posted this on social media and admitted it was her. Her name is angie goodchild.
Fly-tipping in Hemyock Road
horse manure from local livery being dumped in roadside ditch and verge amongst trees
Fly-tipping in Tory Way
Rotting, sodden rubbish we were unable to remove. It’s at the far west end of the lay-by opposite Plym Lodge and Boringdon Villas.