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Fly-tipping in Blandford Forum

Fly-tipping in Unnamed Road
Probably household waste.
Fly-tipping in New Road
Found at entrance to woods by layby
Fly-tipping in Unnamed Road
Domestic clothes
Fly-tipping in Bushes Road
Fly-tipping in Hill Top Roundabout
Pile of bricks
Fly-tipping in A354
A large amount of clothing and similar dumped in-between the hedge. I have picked up a lot. I have sent photo and location to Dorset county council, but they say they can't find it. The "what-three-words" location is in the photo.
Fly-tipping in Unnamed Road
Various waste items dumped in hedge off of the layby on the right as you enter. Items. Include a bag of building plaster, a child's scooter, exhaust pipes and other general rubbish.
Fly-tipping in Unnamed Road
Building materials
Fly-tipping in Unnamed Road
Washing machine, chipboard and 2 full dumpy bags
Fly-tipping in Alner Road
An engine block and pallet have been left on the road
Fly-tipping in New Road
House hold waste and garden rubbish
Fly-tipping in A31
Bushes, toys, cans, bottles, paperwork. This happens VERY frequently. Further up that lane bikes and garden waste hgdas been dumped.