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Fly-tipping in Poole

There have been 5 reports of fly-tipping in Poole over the last 3 months.

Fly-tipping in Dolmans Hill
Just at junction of Dolmans & Halls Road
Fly-tipping in Flowers Drove
Loft insulation dumped.
Fly-tipping in Bettiscombe Close
Hippo bag partly containing sand has been on council grassed area adjacent to the rear garden wall of 2 Tarrant Close following repairs to that wall. It has been there for approx 6 months.
Fly-tipping in Flowers Drove
Front bumper of Peugeot car and 4 or 5 large solar panels. In plain sight on the grass verge.
Fly-tipping in Junction Road
Metal container with used coal inside. Near the path between willow view and junction road
Fly-tipping in Huntick Road
Looks like house clearance waste
Fly-tipping in Hooke Close
95 Hooke Close, in the alley way from the back car park.
Fly-tipping in Junction Road
A fly tipped sofa and other smaller items in a car park near the path that leads towards Willow View/Fitzworth Ave
Fly-tipping in Junction Road
Several household items including a bed, fridge and table have all been dumped at the top of junction road near the alleyway towards fitzworth avenue/ willow view
Fly-tipping in Kingsmill Road
On the pavement, furniture
Fly-tipping in Trenchard Meadow
Approx 30 bags loft insulation
Fly-tipping in Abingdon Road
Fridge freezer