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Fly-tipping in Erith

Fly-tipping in Compton Place
Rubbish building up nothing is being done why ???
Fly-tipping in Birling Road
Two beds in park behind 72 birling road Oppisite care home in colyers lane
Fly-tipping in Compton Place
It’s still here
Fly-tipping in Compton Place
It certainly looks like the people that’s replace the fence in here has left all the extra rubbish on t
Fly-tipping in Bexley Road
Horse box dumped
Fly-tipping in Manor Road
Car bumper and rubbish , been here a week ,, Happening at this same spot every other day why don’t you put a Camera here ?????
Fly-tipping in Crescent Road
Just dumped on stairs
Fly-tipping in Compton Place
Dumped from the occupants of 41 Compton again
Fly-tipping in Manor Road
More rubbish , daily now , need s a camera
Fly-tipping in Manor Road
Dumped AGAIN on corner , so often it really needs a camera,
Fly-tipping in Sandpiper Drive
Fly tipping at its worse, been like it for years and definitely damaging the environment. Was there today and more rubbish has turned up, so it’s obviously an on going issue.
Fly-tipping in Ness Road
Every thing absolutely disgusting makes it hard to get down road with a lorry