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Fly-tipping in Harrow

There have been 22 reports of fly-tipping in Harrow over the last 3 months.

Fly-tipping in Pinner Road
Sideboard and large planks of wood dumped right under CCTV on corner of Oxford and Pinner Road
Fly-tipping in Pinner Road
Same place as always, Pinner road junction of Rutland Road. Single mattress
Fly-tipping in Pinner Road
2 double mattresses, same place as normal directly under the cctv
Fly-tipping in Pinner Road
Two armchairs and a small chest of drawers dumped on the corner of Rutland Road and Pinner Road As per usual
Fly-tipping in Grant Road
Large Sofa and TV Dumped on pavement. Hazardous to the public.
Fly-tipping in Lorne Road
Pram, two bags of rubble, one of which is in the middle of the road
Fly-tipping in Hunters Grove
small suitcase filled with rubbish
Fly-tipping in Marlborough Hill
Fridge freezer on pavement by block of flats .
Fly-tipping in Marlborough Hill
Fridge freezer on pavement
Fly-tipping in Alexandra Avenue
General household rubbish
Fly-tipping in Leamington Crescent
Rubbish dumped by alley leamington crescent again near Malvern ave this time a large cardboard box’s has a name and address on it 3 Lexington crescent. Two days later the details on the box had been Scribbled over
Fly-tipping in Headstone Gardens
Old suitcase full of rubbish, empty cans & bottles all over pavement, bag of empty bottles abandoned by wheelie bin, absolutely disgusting eyesore
