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Fly-tipping in Mitcham

Fly-tipping in Grove Road
Large Selco bag full of garden waste dumped by roadside in Warminster Way, near junction with Grove Road, Mitcham, CR4
Fly-tipping in Tull Street
It's in car park there was a fridge but now just load rubbish in corner like old fences a large yellow blue plastic Wendy hoise etc
Fly-tipping in Streatham Road
Fridge and general waste
Fly-tipping in Streatham Road
Communal area/driveway People dumping all their rubbish. We don’t know who is responsible and none of the neighbours will take responsibility. Please advise as this is attracting rats passers by are using it for a general waste dump
Fly-tipping in Grove Road
1x large mattress propped up against raised flower beds. Photo taken on 24/11/19 at approx 0930hrs.
Fly-tipping in Spencer Road
1x Large black sack containing wood panels. Located on bend in Grove Rd CR4 1SA near junction with Spencer Rd and Commonside East.
Fly-tipping in Spencer Road
1x Collapsible wooden bed base and 1x piece of wood skirting board located on bend in Grove Rd Mitcham CR4 1SA approaching junction with Spencer Rd and Commonside East
Fly-tipping in Western Road
A pile of rubbish
Fly-tipping in Tynemouth Road
Bed bases and paint tubs dumped on Tynemouth road signs both sides of the road