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Fly-tipping in Hampshire

There have been 172 reports of fly-tipping in Hampshire over the last 3 months.

Fly-tipping in Hadrian Way
Interior doors, TV, cleaner. Been here since at least 29 May. In a layby on the left hand side just past the motorway underpass
Fly-tipping in High Street
Caravan, badly damaged and dumped in the road.
Fly-tipping in Rodfield Lane
Lots of garden waste and lengths of silver foil pipe
Fly-tipping in Cripple Gate Lane
Half way along cripplegate lane in a lay-by. Broken tiles
Fly-tipping in Sandy Lane
General household waste in laybye
Fly-tipping in Atlantis Avenue
Bath, old rotary washing line by side of the road
Fly-tipping in Newmans Hill
Wood, plaster and carpet dumped on side of road on Newman’s Hill
Fly-tipping in Pigeon House Lane
Ikea wardrobe.
Fly-tipping in Shoot Hill
Pile of household waste and another pile of fencing panels
Fly-tipping in Manor Farm Road
Someone has used an abandoned cool box as a human toilet. Approach with care
Fly-tipping in Court Lane
Parcel shelf and car parts in brambles on side of road next to large oak log
Fly-tipping in Court Lane
Clothing and waste in layby by bridge