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Fly-tipping in Hertfordshire

Fly-tipping in Hogg End Lane
Block paving waste, builders & general household waste
Fly-tipping in Hogg End Lane
Domestic & builders waste and fridges/freezers
Fly-tipping in Cucumber Lane
almost blocking the lane ! But 100yards along there are 2 hugs piles also dumped next to the lane. They are about 4 skips in size (unfortunately the battery on my phone run out so could not take photos)
Fly-tipping in Cucumber Lane
approx 3 skips in 1 spot. But along Cucumber Lane there are several piles dumped. Looks like builders debris. Timber planks oposite. Garden waste a tree branches further along lane
Fly-tipping in Hogg End Lane
just by m1 bridge
Fly-tipping in Luton White Hill
Asbestos sheets and domestic waste
Fly-tipping in Kinsbourne Green Lane
Large brown sofa 3 piece suite and other rubbish dumped on the right hand side coming from luton lane and past the golf club
Fly-tipping in Kinsbourne Green Lane
Mixed waste incl tyres, wheel barrow, toys etc. Coming from luton lane go past golf club and located 1/4mile left hand side on Kinsbourne green lane.
Fly-tipping in Unnamed Road
30 black bin bags full of rubbish and garden waste blocking a bridleway
Fly-tipping in Hogg End Lane
Builders’ rubbish in passing place on Hogg End Lane at western end.
Fly-tipping in Bedmond Lane
On side of road
Fly-tipping in B1000
Household building waste - brick rubble, wooden doors, part of cabinets.