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Fly-tipping in Wirral

There have been 5 reports of fly-tipping in Wirral over the last 3 months.

Fly-tipping in Reeds Lane
Large plastic object dumped on highway land immediately outside 67 Reeds Lane Wirral CH46 1QS on or about 1st August 2024
Fly-tipping in Saughall Massie Road
Notorious fly-tipper in the area
Fly-tipping in Farnworth Avenue
Mirrored wardrobe and dolls house dumped on highway land/grass verge outside 31 Reeds Lane, Wirral. Mirror is also a distraction for all road users.
Fly-tipping in Ashbrook Terrace
general household waste in alleyway
Fly-tipping in Carr Lane
Commercial chest freezer
Fly-tipping in Rosewood Drive
Predominantly cardboard with some general wast.
Fly-tipping in Bradgate Close
*2nd report Toilet cistern, general waste.
Fly-tipping in Bradgate Close
Old toilet, general waste.
Fly-tipping in Banks Road
Van full of garden and household waste v
Fly-tipping in Reeds Lane
Aldi Supermarket trolley dumped close to the Wirral Circular Trail at the point it runs along The Birket, close to Reeds Lane, Moreton, Wirral. This is a relatively regular occurrence.
Fly-tipping in Church Road
Fridge/freezer & TV
Fly-tipping in Ashbrook Terrace
laminate flooring plastic bags