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Fly-tipping in Wirral

Fly-tipping in Earlswood Close
Household waste and garden waste ( 2 separate locations)
Fly-tipping in Bradgate Close
General Household rubbish
Fly-tipping in Eastham Village Road
Matress,sofa,plastic sheeting,paint,wooden planks, food oil cans,plastic household items,freezer
Fly-tipping in Birkenhead Road
Huge amount of garden waste, entrance to old brickworks.
Fly-tipping in Lingham Lane
Access at end of Tarran Way South, Moreton. Fly-tipping up to Lingham Lane ‘over railway’ foot bridge. Then right at bridge and further, significant tipping. General household and building waste.
Fly-tipping in Hockenhull Close
Fridge freezer
Fly-tipping in Glenwood Drive
Household items clothing and refuse has been thrown over householders back fence onto common land wooded area
Fly-tipping in New Ferry Road
The bottom of the garden drops on to the beach/river bed. He burns his rubbish and kicks it off the ledge onto the river
Fly-tipping in Shorefields
Household waste
Fly-tipping in Carr Lane
General waste/ wood. On Carr Lane/Park Lane near to Meols Wastewater treatment plant.
Fly-tipping in Carr Lane
Builder materials, rubble. Next to railway crossing. Given number of incidents in this area, suggest covert cameras??
Fly-tipping in Bradgate Close
Furniture & general waste. In ditch