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Fly-tipping in Wirral

Fly-tipping in Lapworth Close
General waste. Dumped in ditches.
Fly-tipping in Lapworth Close
Fly-tipping in Ashby Close
Various fly tipping along the length of Carr Lane, Moreton
Fly-tipping in Pasture Road
Mixture of old furniture and other household goods.
Fly-tipping in Bradgate Close
3 separate piles ( approx 10 m apart) of cardboard boxes,black plastic bags & general waste
Fly-tipping in Ashby Close
Various piles of building rubble,black plastic bags and car tyres
Fly-tipping in Civic Way
Bags of rubble in corner of car park under tree
Fly-tipping in Bradgate Close
Two locations 100yds apart cardboard and plastic
Fly-tipping in Carr Lane
Fly-tipping in Wirral Circular Trail
Huge mountain of mixed waste
Fly-tipping in Dock Road South
Large items. A mattress some photos and small furniture
Fly-tipping in Greendale Road
I dug most of it out of the ground, but there is still some more work to be done. It is in Mayer Park at the beginning of the semi wild area.