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Fly-tipping in Sutton-in-Ashfield

Fly-tipping in Welford Close
Mansfield District Council blue bin
Fly-tipping in Pleasley Road
Two sofas dumped at side of road
Fly-tipping in Dawgates Lane
Black bags, house hold waste and garden waste
Fly-tipping in Woodside
Garden waste in Black bags
Fly-tipping in Cauldwell Road
Two seater settee ?
Fly-tipping in Fonton Hall Drive
Bags of Mac Donald waste thrown from car A receipt was in the bag
Fly-tipping in Pleasley Road
Building rubble up byway
Fly-tipping in Pleasley Road
Bags of rubbish and wooden boards
Fly-tipping in Cosgrove Avenue
36 cosgrove avenue are dumping rubbish behind shared garages.The garden swing which you can see was outside their house to begin with.There are also quilt covers in bags and a crushed box which i presume was some sort of thing for their dogs!
Fly-tipping in Westbourne Road
Orange bin bag Of general waste from 77 Westbourne road placed in public bin On a regular basis
Fly-tipping in Sutton Road
Hedge trimmings dumped again same location and waste as 29th September 2020 not cleared now more have been dumped
Fly-tipping in Castlewood Grove
Old sofa near pond