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Fly-tipping in Nottinghamshire

There have been 49 reports of fly-tipping in Nottinghamshire over the last 3 months.

Fly-tipping in Patterson Road
Fly-tipping in Patterson Road
Fly-tipping in Patterson Road
in parking court next to green electric box
Fly-tipping in Radford Road
Clean film
Fly-tipping in Colwick Road
Concrete post & rubble left on pavement
Fly-tipping in Shire Road
A sofa. It's not even been left in s satellite you can sit in :)
Fly-tipping in Laurie Avenue
Broken cot and sofa with lots of bin bags filled with household waste piled on top of it
Fly-tipping in Belper Road
A number of garbage bag waste and other bits and bats food nappies empty boxes you name it all left in the car park
Fly-tipping in Thorold Close
Resending as got door number wrong. Happened 21st December. The fly tipper property is 4 Manor Farm Lane which is road be side Thorold Close. They also have a front garden at the front (Manor Farm)
Fly-tipping in Thorold Close
Happened 21st December. The fly tipper property is 2 Manor Farm Lane which is road be side Thorold Close. They also have a front garden at the front (Manor Farm)
Fly-tipping in Baden Powell Road
Aldi trolley outside 25 full of flooring /wood etc
Fly-tipping in Collington Street
The fridge was first reported 12th Nov 24 the fridge freezer turned up 2nd Dec 25