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Fly-tipping in Nottinghamshire

There have been 47 reports of fly-tipping in Nottinghamshire over the last 3 months.

Fly-tipping in Holbeck Lane
Tyre and rim dumped on lane between Holbeck Lane and A60.
Fly-tipping in Buskeyfield Lane
Bag by field gatepost on Buskeyfield Lane, lane between A60 and sharp bend on Cresswell road. Been there several weeks.
Fly-tipping in Beanford Lane
5 bags litter picked rubbish
Fly-tipping in Lime Tree Road
Large piles of tube. From a Grow house, I think.
Fly-tipping in Beanford Lane
fly tipped waste spread along entire length of beanford one following verge grass cutting
Fly-tipping in Elma Lane
Black bin bag dumped on grass verge on lane that runs between Holbeck and Elma Lane. Maybe the same on reported on 7th Sept 2019. Maybe BDC didn't spot it, so included what3words location.
Fly-tipping in Sookholme Lane
Loads of bags containing garden waste
Fly-tipping in Woodborough Road
Two old mattresses I found dumped outside no 12 this morning. It’s blocking the back entrance to one of the houses behind.
Fly-tipping in Brand Lane
Fridge Appliance and household waste
Fly-tipping in Hodsock Lane
Conservatory, children’s toys, fridge freeze, household waste
Fly-tipping in Walter's Close
Builders waste, rubble,bricked, wood.
Fly-tipping in Elma Lane
Bin bag dumped on grass verge on quiet lane just outside Holbeck village.