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Fly-tipping in Nottinghamshire

There have been 47 reports of fly-tipping in Nottinghamshire over the last 3 months.

Fly-tipping in Canal Road
Nothing has been done over previous report. And yet again today more has blown all over the car park. It’s all addressed so you can clearly see who keeps doing it and getting away with it. Bassetlaw council does not care
Fly-tipping in Cats Lane
Car parts, large pile. Garden waste and mixed other
Fly-tipping in Buskeyfield Lane
On verge on Buskeyfield Lane, off A60. Rubble bag tipped up. Garden waste.
Fly-tipping in A60
On a lane between Infield Lane and A60. 2 tyres.
Fly-tipping in Infield Lane
Black bin bags. Top of bank behind trees.
Fly-tipping in Goodwin Street
New neighbour dumped on side of road over 2 weeks ago
Fly-tipping in Mill Lane
An old mattress and further along bags of rubble and soil
Fly-tipping in Old Mill Lane
Microwave, radio, large battery, plastic boxes. In clear site on grass verge.
Fly-tipping in Canal Road
There is waste that’s been there weeks and rats are visiting the pile food waste and cardboard waste all addressed and there. Reported to council 3 times and nothing but I’m not happy with the rats and blown everywhere Cant take photo as cctv
Fly-tipping in A616
Building waste.
Fly-tipping in A616
Garden and construction waste. Just strewn all over the lay-by.
Fly-tipping in Styrrup Lane
Bags of waste