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Fly-tipping in Telford

Fly-tipping in Unnamed Road
Building materials
Fly-tipping in Halesfield 7
Large scale dumping of trade waste.
Fly-tipping in A4169
Lay-by full of dumped rubbish. A bath, boxes, tyres etc. The roadside verges are terrible.
Fly-tipping in Buildwas Road
Tyres and other general waste dumped down the verge of the lay by.
Fly-tipping in Unnamed Road
Not sure what’s in it?
Fly-tipping in Oldcroft
General building waste and household items
Fly-tipping in Edward Parry Court
Fly-tipping in A4169
Domestic and industrial. Tyres, cement, domestic appliances - all sorts. Reported 27 May, 04July, 11 Nov. And today. Year more waste added.
Fly-tipping in A4169
Boxes, bags etc in the lay-by on the right hand side going up the hill from Buildwas turning. The whole road is an absolute disgrace!!!
Fly-tipping in Wrockwardine Road
5 Mattresses have been dumped
Fly-tipping in A4169
Domestic, industrial, tyres, domestic appliance, carpet, bags and bags of rubbish. (This is the third time of reporting this over several months.)
Fly-tipping in Castle Acre Road
On a footpath behind houses off Hadley park road Barrels of waste liquid could be hazardous.