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Fly-tipping in Horley

Fly-tipping in Parkhurst Grove
Dumped building waste round side of garages on council land to generator
Fly-tipping in Churchill Road
Out side flats a sofa a microwave 3 fridge freezers on public footpath
Fly-tipping in Lake Lane
Old machinery parts. Dumped on Saturday night or Sunday
Fly-tipping in Dowlands Lane
Garden waste, rubble and some asbestos pieces
Fly-tipping in Dowlands Lane
Several Plies of building debris in front of farmers gates
Fly-tipping in Plough Road
Washing machine and five fridges. Dumped in ditch behind brick wall in car park.
Fly-tipping in Dowlands Lane
By farm gate. Fly tip
Fly-tipping in Rookery Hill
3 tyres left in lay by
Fly-tipping in Wither Dale
Black bags and wood. This was deliberately dumped by kerry budgen who lives at no 9 when approached she just rudely said its the job of London and quadrant to remove it
Fly-tipping in Brookfield Drive
Plastic bag of domestic rubbish next to the bus stop at Brookfield Drive South
Fly-tipping in Beggarshouse Lane
Flooring materials
Fly-tipping in Lake Lane
Disgraceful amount of wooden waste, bulky