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Fly-tipping in Woking

Fly-tipping in Rose Lane
Building materials and household waste.
Fly-tipping in Oak Tree Road
Fly-tipping in Whitehill Lane
Black bags (with household waste?)
Fly-tipping in Carolyn Close
Opposite public toilets on the green. Tucked into the trees by path
Fly-tipping in Tannery Lane
Timber/building materials
Fly-tipping in Burnt Common Lane
Building materials. Note: There was some 'Warning' tape round some of this saying
Fly-tipping in Gole Road
To the left of the gate to go under the railway. It’s visible from the road and was there yesterday. I don’t have a photo of the waste. It’s at least 20 rubbish bags of waste
Fly-tipping in Warren Lane
Car tyres plus a few black bin bags.
Fly-tipping in Warren Lane
Car parts; e.g. bumpers, lights, interior and exterior trim, etc
Fly-tipping in Hampton Close
Dump laminate flooring after a job in the communal bin Company was MN carpet and flooring Ltd
Fly-tipping in Warren Lane
Mattress + car tyres.
Fly-tipping in Gracious Pond Road
Interior door, paint pots and general rubbish