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Fly-tipping in Stourbridge

There have been 4 reports of fly-tipping in Stourbridge over the last 3 months.

Fly-tipping in Lawnswood
50 yards from A449, 3 litter picked bags, 200 yards towards Roe Deer another 2 bags, nearly opposite exit from Roe Deer, there are 2. 8 x 4 sheets chipboard Thank you, Rod
Fly-tipping in Lawnswood
Motor trade waste fly tipped . 50 yards from A449 junction with Lawnswood. Again!
Fly-tipping in Lawnswood
Old bed bases
Fly-tipping in Lawnswood
Located in two lay-bys. Household rubbish in one, dog associated waste in the other. Three bags litter picked too.
Fly-tipping in Studley Gate
Fan and stand
Fly-tipping in Park Road
Blinds and a baby bath
Fly-tipping in Stourbridge Road
Large fridge also Human waste in bags bins are overflowing and bottles of urine in hedge line very unpleasant smell needs attention as bins are often overflowing.
Fly-tipping in Charles Road
Fridge and a sofa
Fly-tipping in Lawnswood
House clearance type Flytipping.
Fly-tipping in Western Road
Lay-by - wood & a lot of general waste
Fly-tipping in The Stewponey
Dumped basketball hoop
Fly-tipping in Chadwich Lane
Cardboard boxes.