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Fly-tipping in West Sussex

There have been 8 reports of fly-tipping in West Sussex over the last 3 months.

Fly-tipping in Forestfield
Fly-tipping in Dragons Green Road
Green builders bag of garden waste, just off road to west by public footpath sign.
Fly-tipping in Yorkhurst Hill
Bathroom fittings etc... Receipt found with name!
Fly-tipping in Greenfields
Behinf houses 96-98 in the alleyway
Fly-tipping in Robin Hood Lane
An old umbrella and other things, on the side of the road
Fly-tipping in Handcross Road
Bag full of white goods on the side of the road. Grey hold-all.
Fly-tipping in Hanlye Lane
Old furniture
Fly-tipping in Manor Farm Cottages
Metal cage, table and vacuum at crossroads Runcton and Bowley Lane Chichester
Fly-tipping in Saunders Close
Large amount of commercial waste, pipes, cardboard and other materials dumped into the bin room.
Fly-tipping in Unnamed Road
General waste been dumped on verge but it’s spreading down onto road
Fly-tipping in Forest Road
Furniture and other litter (as per photo) in a lay by on the Forest Road. As per the photo. Also the verges in that area generally strewn with litter
Fly-tipping in Woodend
The road is totally blocked!! For the second week running