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Fly-tipping in Northern Ireland

Fly-tipping in Raffrey Road
Broken tiles at the side of the road
Fly-tipping in Rusheyhill Road
Multiple piles of tyres either side of road
Fly-tipping in Rusheyhill Road
Car parts and wreck
Fly-tipping in Ballycolin Road
Various waste at the crush but also the layby 100m south
Fly-tipping in Wheelers Road
Big load of cars' bumpers, garage waste
Fly-tipping in Clare Road
Construction rubble. Been there for quite a while now.
Fly-tipping in Seaview
Fly-tipping in Whinney Hill
This is a regular occurrence at Hugo Perry’s patch of land on Whinney Hill Holywood. This video was taken today 4/12/23 at 12.51 in the afternoon. House clearance type business’s and gardeners tip their waste there & pay him and burns it.
Fly-tipping in Castlecat Road
Two large bin bags which have burst and items have been strewn over the road and on grass verge outside our property. Items such as a doll, child’s potty and other rubbish left lying.
Fly-tipping in Laurel Bank
Oil tank (in two parts) removed from property 82 Mill Street comber and left at entrance to Laurel Bank BT23 5EJ
Fly-tipping in Stoney Road
Household waste dumped on roadside. Now being dragged along the road.
Fly-tipping in Seacliff Road
Pallet dumped by Guillemot deli at the entrance to apartments @ 8 Seacliff Road becoming a regular occurrence.