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Fly-tipping in Glasgow

There have been 5 reports of fly-tipping in Glasgow over the last 3 months.

Fly-tipping in Scotland Street West
Leather chair and footstool. Massive amount of rubbish along fence
Fly-tipping in Scotland Street West
Mattress. Plastic pallet container filled with broken tiles
Fly-tipping in Siding Lane
Tarmac and loads of litter
Fly-tipping in Cathay Street
Builder's rubble ,household waste,old bricks,abandoned caravan
Fly-tipping in Beech Avenue
Bathroom building waste , tyres,
Fly-tipping in Carnegie Road
Dumping building waste
Fly-tipping in Harland Street
The above pictures are of items left at the end of the street between the hours of 5amm and 11am this morning Tuesday 1st August 2023
Fly-tipping in Wellshot Road
White goods, flammable liquids and woods pellets dumped in tenement Close and communal back court
Fly-tipping in Sinclair Drive
Wooden crate and planks along with cones
Fly-tipping in Springhill Parkway
A mixture of waste including tree branches, plastic waste and cardboard boxes.
Fly-tipping in Ashmore Road
30 bags household rubbish 3 mattresses Furniture
Fly-tipping in Ashmore Road
30 Black bags of household rubbish 3 mattresses and some furniture