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Fly-tipping in Denny

Fly-tipping in Rulley View
This has been reported before yet it still lies here and now, as predicted, it’s in the Avon Burn contaminating the water. That spot is also a popular place for kids to swim in the summer months!!
Fly-tipping in Rulley View
Rosebank Community Woodland on the eastside of the Avon Burn at the path that leads to the large pooled area where kids & dogs swim in the summer!
Fly-tipping in Stirling Street
To the right of the driveway leading to Tyget Haugh, back of old folks home, on/ near bank of Avon Burn, Dunipace.
Fly-tipping in Hillcrest Place
Bagged dog poo stuffed into broken fence post at start of path between field leading to Little Denny Reservoir.
Fly-tipping in Unnamed Road
On back road between Dunipace & Plean at top of old lane known locally as Hannah’s Brae just south of entrance to Powet Ststion.
Fly-tipping in Unnamed Road
A mixture of garden waste, electrical goods, plastics and cans. On A82 just north of Wellsfield, turn left head under M80.Turn right up towards wooded area Barrwood and rubbish has been dumped at farm track just down from entrance to Barrwood.
Fly-tipping in Unnamed Road
Back road to Plean from Dunipace about 3 miles east along road from Dunipace in passing place
Fly-tipping in Unnamed Road
On back road between Dunipace and Casgers Brae/Roman Road Plean south of sub station, top of a public right of way locally known as Hannah’s Brae and the tyres are just to the right of the cattle gate which which sits at the top of Hannah’s Brae
Fly-tipping in Unnamed Road
On back road between Dunipace A872 and Plean Old Roman Road/Bore Row in lay-by just south of Denny Substation.
Fly-tipping in Rosebank Avenue
Plean Road near Dunipace just off the A872 in the lay-by after the first left hand bend.
Fly-tipping in Unnamed Road
Back road from Dunipace to Plean near to stables/work yard at the side of the road in a dip beside the small burn. A pile of empty plastic bottles.
Fly-tipping in Denovan Road
Lane up to old quarry & farm. Has been reported before and council have been but left a considerable amount behind!! The pic I’ve posted shows the rubbish on the path/road but there’s a large anoint in amongs the trees and down beside the burn.