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Fly-tipping in Warrington

There have been 42 reports of fly-tipping in Warrington over the last 3 months.

Fly-tipping in Cabul Close
Double bad and 3 mattresses
Fly-tipping in Parr Street
Cardboard and household waste
Fly-tipping in Villars Street
Deflated hot tub and mechanisms plus a roll of artifical grass
Fly-tipping in Lord Nelson Street
Discarded old wooden fence panels on the grass area at the rear of the houses
Fly-tipping in Parr Street
Shopping trolley behind a brick wall nr the flats on harbord st. Trolley has bags and used disposable bbqs in it
Fly-tipping in Fairclough Avenue
Single mattress propped up against a wall and shopping trolley
Fly-tipping in Fairclough Avenue
Several instances of flytipping all along this alleyway. Sofa, deflated hot tub, bin bags, garden storage container, double mattress, mirror, pictur canvas etc
Fly-tipping in Gibson Street
2 seater sofa, carpet. Further down the alley is some bathroom lino
Fly-tipping in Mason Street
Various flytipping old hoover, Christmas trees x2, wood sheet, bin bags
Fly-tipping in Lord Nelson Street
Sofa and carpet roll
Fly-tipping in Fairclough Avenue
Tv box and various other items
Fly-tipping in Fairclough Avenue
Deflated hot tub in the backs of Fairfield and Sutton street howley warrington