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Fly-tipping in Northern Ireland

Fly-tipping in Church Street
Household items, children's scooters / pedal car, kitchen bins prams.
Fly-tipping in Manse Road
Large box dumped. Owners name on the box, hopefully you will find and fine tgem
Fly-tipping in Mourne View
Appears to be from a fast food business
Fly-tipping in Seacliff Road
Local business dumped pallet on footpath 9th September 2022 becoming a regular occurrence.
Fly-tipping in Begny Road
2 rubbish bags dumped filled with dirty nappies
Fly-tipping in Springwell Road
Household waste at entrance to golf centre
Fly-tipping in Carnaghliss Road
When I arrived home on 3rd August 2022 I could see that this mattress had been dumped 100 metres from my front gate.
Fly-tipping in Woodside Road
Builders waste, black bags with tiles. Tyres, mattress. General waste
Fly-tipping in Rashee Park
One double mattress and two bed ends
Fly-tipping in Ballymaconaghy Road
Garden waste, furniture, window frames + assorted rubbish
Fly-tipping in Saint Anne's Road
Hi there, we have a constant litter dumping problem in this area. Alcohol bottles, general waste etc. A private management company manages the estate but has shown inconsistency over that last couple of years.Taxis and private cars park lot nearby
Fly-tipping in Caledon Street
The flat is being renovated or cleared out by housing Excutive the guys left these bags of rubbish and a freezer in the street not even secured they were there in two vans why couldn’t they have put this rubbish in the vans