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Fly-tipping in Lincoln

Fly-tipping in Lincoln Road
Fridge and plastic chairs
Fly-tipping in Grange Lane
5 Bin bags & 2 tyres
Fly-tipping in Baggholme Road
House hold waste. Looks like old toys, books etc
Fly-tipping in Newark Road
McDonalds wrappers, bag etc and the receipt.
Fly-tipping in Unnamed Road
Various large items dumped on road side North of Broxholme village. Several impede pedestrian refuge from passing vehicles on this narrow road.
Fly-tipping in Broxholme Lane
Miscellaneous rubbish dumped on Broxholme Lane between Environment Agency and Carlton Road
Fly-tipping in Broxholme Lane
Misc rubbish dumped at side of road between Environment Agency compound an Carlton Road on Broxholme Lane.
Fly-tipping in Broxholme Lane
Road signs, cones etc left by contractors after resurfacing of Broxholme Lane between A57 an River Till.
Fly-tipping in A57
Bagged rubbish dumped in brambles at side of road just South of Burton Hathaw school
Fly-tipping in A57
Old armchair dumped bext to pile of tarmac reported in July but not yet removed!
Fly-tipping in A57
Many items dumped here including an old door
Fly-tipping in Heath Lane
Building materials on track opposite rose cottage Lane