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Fly-tipping in Sutton Coldfield

Fly-tipping in Wishaw Lane
Signs of drug use discards silver tubes
Fly-tipping in Florence Road
9 sacks of general and garden waste and a small tree
Fly-tipping in Welshmans Hill
3 suitcases in alley way. One suitcase has name address and mobile number on luggage label. The surrounding bushes and trees had detritus strewn through it.
Fly-tipping in Church Lane
Flooring and a carpet, and an ironing board, and sone rubbish.
Fly-tipping in Florence Road
Bags of garden refuse
Fly-tipping in Birmingham Road
Building materials,spoil and garden fencing
Fly-tipping in Ox Leys Road
On corner of Fox Hollies rd and Ox Lets Rd
Fly-tipping in Ox Leys Road
By huge Oak tree
Fly-tipping in Bull's Lane
Dropped kerb by gate. Road side
Fly-tipping in Withy Hill Road
Sick to death of reporting on this lowlife dumping ground.Council removes one week lowlifes dump the following.Rolling cycle
Fly-tipping in Wishaw Lane
Ikea box, just packaging but has address inside as pictured
Fly-tipping in Withy Hill Road
Can’t believe these lowlifes. Once again a second load of building waste has been added to the original load dumped there some weeks ago.. Put a camera on the telephone post.. This is a regular dumping ground